Knauf’s Deflection Head Fire Seal takes the hassle out of constructing deflection head details, simplifying the installation process and delivering peace of mind when meeting the ever-stringent fire protection standards.

New to the Knauf range of drywall accessories on July 1 2019, and ensuring full system compliance, Knauf Deflection Head Fire Seal reduces complexity when installing drywall systems, so simple that when installed correctly, it’s guaranteed to do its job.
An alternative to the arduous traditional plasterboard fillet deflection head, this elastic polyurethane foam with intumescent firestop additives acts as a firestop and acoustic solution at the partition top track whilst providing up to 25mm deflection capability.
Using Knauf Deflection Head Fire Seal saves contractors a significant amount of time on site, provides a clean environment, can be cut to size without creating dust and is a lightweight easy-to-handle product. Gone are the days of having to attach plasterboard strips and laboriously lifting the heavy top tracks into place. This reduction in site practices not only simplifies the build process and ensures quality, but saves time, money and onsite waste.
The guarantee of quality assurance doesn’t stop there. Because Knauf Deflection Head Fire Seal can be integrated within Knauf drywall systems, Knauf can provide a full System Performance Warranty, reducing the associated risks and reassuring clients.
Available in four standard widths, the Knauf products provide a friction fit for all common track sizes with a further double width option accommodating larger track widths and a cost-effective solution for double stud systems.
Knauf Deflection Head Fire Seal is also space saving and easy to manoeuvre on site. One box of 20 rolls, covering 60 linear metres of top track, has a mere 0.3m2 footprint compared to the alternative pallet of plasterboard fillets at 3.6m2 and at less than a tenth of the weight.
As a market leader, Knauf understands the importance of offering solution-based systems that cater to the needs of customers and their clients. By offering full Knauf systems, our customers can enjoy the backing from Knauf’s technical expertise but also feel safe in knowledge that the system is backed by a System Performance Warranty.
The introduction of Knauf Deflection Head Fire Seal is part of Knauf UK’s commitment to build for the world we live in where product development goes hand-in-hand with customer insights and innovation is driven by their needs.
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