This has to be one of those posts that I wish I did not have to write, but it was bound to happen and it was bound to be costly, and it is going to make me look like a bit of a plank. However, this renovation blog is here to show and highlight the ups and downs all in the bid to keep your readers entertained and well so here goes.
We wanted six Velux windows in the loft space of our conversion 4 in what will be my office one in the en suite and one either in the server room or what is now just the landing. After my friend, the developer came around and thought having a massive velux window in the en suite would work best and give me the maximum head height and with Jane agreeing that it would fit we ordered the window.
The window was fitted and it looked amazing with the light flooding in, and it gave a shed load of head height, which is what we are after perfect!! However, our world was about to come collapsing down, and we were about to realise what an epic mistake we had made. Well about three weeks after we fitted it.
Here is a quick photo of what it looks like… lovely and big…
So, a few weeks passed and we all were admiring the view out of the window and Janes dad was down helping us with the electrics when he pointed out (after day 4) that the en suite wall was most likely going to chop the velux window in half… I was staring and staring at it and bugger me; he was right (annoyingly). Okay so what was I going to do about it? Was there a way around this little problem other than the obvious and that was taking out the old velux and fitting in a smaller one?
I looked at everything and there was not an obvious solution. I had to think hard for a couple of days to see what could be done, and frankly, I was annoyed at myself but not only that three builders Jane, myself and numerous other trade friends had been up there and not realised either that it was going to cause issues.
There was no other way around it; I was going to have to fit a smaller velux and take the cost on the chin, and for the best that this is the last mistake we make. Here is the result… a lot smaller but not too bad all in all. My friend who is a builder also fitted this new window. We made it easy for him by making sure that the window was the same width as the old one.
With the window installed we were now concentrating on getting things done and getting rooms ready. Here is a shot of the finished window from out side… it does not look at all that bad.
That white thing hanging out of the window is a mobile phone signal booster as the phone reception is desperate… I will be fitting that properly at some point 🙂
We are plodding on slowly now, and the Plasterers Forum is keeping me very busy, but this is a good thing for the forum but for the renovation project it is slowing down somewhat. I need to pull my finger out and get cracking, but we are seeing us both burn out now.
Great turn around from potentially a tricky problem