Plasterers News

The Plasterers Forum® Looking Great

The Plasterers Forum® has been on its new software for a few weeks now and its proving to be a huge success. We are now seeing members posting a lot more and generally getting stuck in with the forum.

The Plasterers Forum

The new forums software has helped the forum speed up and also being mobile responsive it is very easy to use on your phones and other mobile devices without the need to download any apps.

I have been blown away this week by how much the activity on TPF has increased since moving to the new software and I am confident that the growth is going to continue.

The Plasterers Forum has always been the voice of the industry and as we continue to see our numbers increase we will be shouting with our voice and making changes within the plastering industry.

If you have not already been over to The Plasterers Forum make sure you do head over and say hello, they are a friendly bunch and like a good laugh but are also very helpful and will guide you in the right direction to being a better plasterer by having a better understanding of the trade.

If you want to find out what the benefits of being a member is then you should take a look at this post I wrote and that will show you what you may be missing out on.

Here is a quick tour of the forum and how to use it. We will be doing more videos to help guide you and show you how to get more out of the forum as the weeks pass.

 I am personally very passionate about the plastering industry and as you cans ee since 2006 I have been dedicated to getting plastering connected and talking and thanks to all that hard work, determination, blood, sweat and tears I think we are getting there.

Please get involved and get stuck in and making the most of the industries only community and resource and be a part of it.

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